Dictionary and Thesaurus

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A is for alternative, attitude and archbishop.
B is for birthday.
C is for clean up.
D is for dimensional, distinction and do good.
E is for equipment, ecstasy and earlier.
F is for foil, fundamental and fuss.
G is for gradient and get ahead.
H is for hard, hold back and humor.
I is for in order(p) and interdependence.
J is for july, journey and jesus christ.
K is for kitchen, kiss and kitten.
L is for large, luxury and landing.
M is for mad and mechanism.
N is for notify.
O is for overthrow, oyabun and originate.
P is for philosophical.
Q is for quarters and quite.
R is for reduce, return and ripe.
S is for stammer and serpent.
T is for trustee.
U is for understand.
V is for village and very.
W is for withstand.
X is for xylem.
Y is for years, youth and yr.
Z is for zinc.
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capital_of_New_Jersey means
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